I have somehow screwed up on what week we're on for readings...so I'm posting all the readings I haven't done up to the point that I THINK we're supposed to be so that I can get back on top of where I am.
Introduction to Linux: Chapter One
- before Unix was developed, all computers ran on a different/unique operating system with customized software
- Linux was developed by a university student who was interested in setting up unix on his own computer
- Linux is currently used on servers, databases, as well as PDAs
- At first it was basically required to be a unix expert to set up a linux system, but now there are packaged systems available and the linux community is more helpful/welcoming
- Linux basically started the opensource revolution
- Linux can run on any platform, doesn't need to reboot, is free, secure, and quickly debugged
- But there are too many distributers, not very user friendly/good for beginners, how safe can opensource be?
- Linux is based on GNU opensource tools (e.g. gimp)
- different linux distributions are better suited for different hardware (w/ a list)
What is Mac OS
- Mac OSX grew out of Apple's desire to beat windows 95. It was based on the NEXTSTEP platform created by Steve Jobs after he left Apple in the 80s
- makes use of a number of opensource programs and applications, most heavily altered
- there is a section on how to boot MacOS and using telnet, I don't completely understand this part, which is funny because I can do a lot of it and I have done some of it on my own machine
- the Kernal (XNU) includes: Mach based codes, BSD runs as a part of the kernal and separate from user activity, I/P kit = driver framework of the kernal based on C++, platform expert functions as a driver and determins what type of platform,
- above the kernal there are the core services (based on carbon), appliation services (based on quartz), application environments (classic for OS9 and earlier, Cocoa is the favorite, then Java)
- details of startup
- HSF+ journals metadata (HFS+ is an improved version of HSF with more capabilities)
- this is primarily designed for people who are looking to program on a Mac, so a lot of the information gets into the bare bones of how the OS works
- intro to aqua, info on bluetooth and firewire compatibility, iLife suite (which isn't nearly as good as everyone claims)
MacOSX (Wikipedia)
- the beginning of this entry is basically a less technical version of the other OSX intro.
- systems are mostly backwards compatible with earlier hardware (especially with the intro of the macbook air w/o firewire ports)
- Aqua is the program that creates the graphics, automater, dashboard, finder (spotlight is amazing!)
- cheeta, puma, jaguar, panther, tiger, leopard,
Update on the Windows Roadmap
- Basically this is a letter sent out by a Microsoft executive addressing a number of the fears that were vocalized by PC users. In particular he states that Microsoft will continue to support WindowsXP through 2014 and will give users the opportunity to downgrade and use XP when they buy Vista (especially important for small businesses).
Database Wiki Article
- hierarchical model: inverted tree model, parent records, children, good way to organize data that is inherintly hierarchical, but not particulalry flexible
-network model: relationships called sets which associate members with an owner.
- relational model: lines and columns that associate information (i.e. employee name, phone number, etc.)
- object database models try to bring database and application programming world closer
- indexes are most commonly stored in table style with rows and columns that help allow quick scanning
- atomicity: the transaction must be completed or undone; consistency: each transaction must preserve the integrity of the database; isolation: two simultaneous transactions can't interfere; durability: transactions must not be able to be undone
- security of the database
- locking makes sure that only one process can alter data at a time
Setting the Stage
- metadata: the sum total of what one can say about any information object at any level of aggregation
- content: what the object contains; context is who, what, why, where; structure is the formal set of associations
- library metadata: includes indexes, abstracts, catalog records created according to cataloging rules and structural and content standards (MARC)
- the more highly structured an information object is, the more that structure can be utilized for search terms
- outside of repositories metadata can also refer to info being coded into HTML, systems and research documentation needed to run a magnetic tape full of raw research data,
- Dublin Core Metadata Element Set identifies a small simple set of metadata elements that can be used by any community to describe and search across a wide variety of information resources on the internet
- administrative metadata: used to manage and administer information resources
- descriptive metadata: describe and identify information resources
- preservation: related to preservation management
- technical: related to how a system functions or metadata behaves
- use: related to the level and type fo information resources
- doesn't have to be digital, relates to more than just description of an object, can come from a variety of sources, one objects metadata can be anothers as well
- increased accessibility: makes searching easier/more effective
- retention of context: documents and maintains the relationships between an object and its place and relationship in history (i.e. in a museum or archives)
- expanding use: can document changing uses in the system
- multi-versioning: allow data to link to more than one version
The overview of the dublin core model article is not available. I've tried a number of times to access it, but the article fails to load each time.
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